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Marriage Proposal Ideas Page 24

94. Get "volunteered" at a circus or other big event and publicly ask in front of everyone.

This one is more for those who love an audience and attention. You could speak to the workers ahead of time and see if the two of you could get in on something exciting together and then ask for her hand in marriage in front of everyone.

Him: This could definitely be exciting, but I'd be sure to try to get the workers to let the two of you do something really exciting together and unique.

Her: I'd agree with this one - it's all about what you can get them to allow the two of you to do, as that would make it even more exciting and memorable.

95. Have several stores/restaurants say "marry me?" or "marry me 'name'" in town and wait for her to catch on.

With this marriage proposal idea, you could try to get as many restaurants and stores as possible in town have their signs asking her hand in marriage and wait for her to catch onto something being up.

Him: Although it would be exciting to see her slowly catch on, it doesn't sound as fun as other ideas, and there's always the possbility that this marriage proposal idea might not work at all.

Her: I'd agree that for the effort (it might be hard to get more than one or two stores/restaurants in on it), some other marriage proposal ideas sound better to me.

96. Ask her to marry you while in a photo booth while taking a picture.

This would be a great way to capture her reaction on camera! The two of you could plan a fun day together at a theme park or some other amusement park and then at the end take your picture together and ask there.

Him: I'd normally say this marriage proposal idea sounds too simple, but when I really think about it, this could be a very memorable marriage proposal, especially since you'd always have the pictures to look at later.

Her: I love the picture idea, as there's nothing like capturing this in the moment. I bet hardly anyone has an actual picture or footage of their loved one's reaction when they were asked, and it's something that you can always look back on. This could be a great way to eventually pop the marriage proposal question after doing other ideas as well.

97. Buy a candy sucker ring and jokingly propose, and then ask if she'd like a nicer, less sticky one.

This is similar to the toy ring marriage proposal idea, except it's with a candy sucker ring (some are known are ring pops). This is definitely one where by itself it's not much, but if you add other ideas to it, it could be a very funny way to pull off a marriage proposal.

Him: I'd agree that it's not much by itself (other than a cute joke), but if you had a nice day or evening planned prior to that, it could be a very funny and even romantic way to do your marriage proposal idea.

Her: Maybe have the ring pop be a gift to her all wrapped up in a normal ring box and the like?! She'd be surprised thinking it's a real ring but then probably laugh when she sees it's just a candy one only to be shocked again when you pop out the real one. Now that would be a clever marriage proposal idea!

See next page of Marriage Proposal Ideas

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